
BIENVENUE au Centre de défense des Droits de l'Homme et Démocratie (CDHD)

Civil and political rights

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Socioeconomic rights

CDHD fights for a society where everyone should enjoy a better life...


Cultural rights

CDHD promotes  equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of cultural rights


Forum sur la paix en prévision des élections de décembre 2018 en RDC


La tenue prochaine des élections continue de créer des divisions sociales au sein de la population congolaise. Ces divergences de vues sont allées au-delà d’une simple liberté d’expression normale ; elles ont atteint une dimension de conflit social entre tribus. Le vrai dialogue basé sur la tolérance est inexistant ; les passions politiques ont anéanti la tolérance entre partisans de différents groupes politiques.

CDHD and 84 organizations release statement for International Day of Peace

If current trends persist, by 2030 more than half of the world’s poor will be living in countries affected by high levels of violence. Yet, resources devoted to peacebuilding and prevention represent only a fraction of those for crisis response and reconstruction. Similarly, while the new international frameworks for development, humanitarian action, and peace and security have highlighted the need to focus on peace, justice and inclusion, little has changed in practice.

The UN Security Council adopts the 2409 (2018) Resolution on the DRC

The United Nations urges the DRC to ensure a successfull political transition by implementing the December 2017 agreement. Stakeholders should work toward the organisation of elections to be held in December 2018.

Press release 004/2017

Following an investigation made throughout 2017 on the commitment of Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM) with regards to the protection of the environment, CDHD has found a lack of progress in the restoration of the forest that has been degraded by mining activities.


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Milicia's threats in the Katanga province since 2011



Repetition of killings in Beni. Civilians claim protection



500,000 people displaced by war in Katanga since 2014



The DRC: From 11 to 26 provinces since June 2015