
BIENVENUE au Centre de défense des Droits de l'Homme et Démocratie (CDHD)

Civil and political rights

CDHD ensures the promotion of civil liberties that are the foundation of democratic nations... 


Socioeconomic rights

CDHD fights for a society where everyone should enjoy a better life...


Cultural rights

CDHD promotes  equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of cultural rights


Democracy and Electoral reforms: Raising awareness for the upcoming general elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo

presenterFrom 24 August to 04 September 2015, CDHD held a workshop on electoral reforms in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Participants expressed their views on possible constitutional reforms that may "legalise" a third term for the sitting president. Please discover some key issues of the discussions

Report of the UN Secretary-General on the DRC

In June 2015, the UN General Secretary released a report on major developments in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The report also contains challenges on the organisation of elections and the improvement of the state of democracy and human rights. It appears that the DRC needs to make enough efforts to overcome political disagreements that hold back the country and should avoid unrealistic electoral agendas that are delaying the electoral process.  

Newly appointed U.S. Special Envoy makes inaugural trip to the Great Lakes Region of Africa

In the DRC, where the United States is the largest bilateral donor, the Special Envoy visited the capital of Kinshasa in the west and Goma in the eastern province of North-Kivu. In Kinshasa, the Special Envoy met with representatives of the Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante (National Independent Electoral Commission) and other governmental institutions. During these meetings, the Special Envoy reaffirmed that the United States’ top regional priorities are presidential elections and the respect of constitutions.

The National Commission for Human rights (CNDH) finally installed

CDHD wishes that the newly established National Commission for Human rights does it's job in a transparent and impartial manner. The commission should be entrusted to promote human rights in a country whose records are among the worst in the world.


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Milicia's threats in the Katanga province since 2011



Repetition of killings in Beni. Civilians claim protection



500,000 people displaced by war in Katanga since 2014



The DRC: From 11 to 26 provinces since June 2015